[Perhatian: Artikel
di bawah ini dipetik dari blog MAYU PRESS NETWORK (MPN)]. Saya difahamkan
bahawa geng 969 ini merupakan gerakan militan yang diasaskan oleh golongan
sami-sami Buddha yang radikal hasil daripada satu resolusi dalam persidangan
sami-sami Buddha seluruh Indochina yang diadakan di Yangon, Myanmar pada
penghujung tahun 2012. Kumpulan 969,
yang dipimpin oleh sami muda Buddha
bernama Wirathu, sering dikaitkan mencetus provokasi dan keganasan
terhadap masyarakat Islam di Myanmar akhir-akhir ini. Dipaparkan di ruang ini
untuk makluman Muslimin dan Muslimat yang prihatin tentang permasalahan sosial,
ekonomi, agama dan politik masyarakat Islam di Myanmar khususnya dan umat Islam
di peringkat regional dan global umumnya ... GY]
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The logo of the
fast-growing "Buddhist" neo-Nazi group '969', with all the Buddhist
and symbols,
including the lions of (Indian) Emperor Ashoka.
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Wirathu, the
leader of the 969 skinhead movement in Burma caption, is seen with
ex-General Khin
Nyunt, former head of Burma's Military Intelligence, 2012.
is 9-6-9 or 969?
is the most dangerous, but fast-growing neo-Nazi "Buddhist" movement
in Burma founded by Burma's skinhead monks after the one-sided and large scale
Rakhine racist violent slaughter of the Rohingya Muslims in Western Burma last
It is led, most prominently by a Saffron-robed pseudo-monk Mr Wirathu. Mr Wirathu, a Saffron-robed fake Buddhist monk and preacher, who was jailed in 2003 for his direct involvement in the massacre of Muslim families and destruction of a mosque in the up-country town of Kyauk-hse, the birthplace of the aging and retired despot Senior General Than Shwe. (See this Asia Times article about his neo-Nazi hate-mongering against the Muslims of Burma as early as 2003).
It is led, most prominently by a Saffron-robed pseudo-monk Mr Wirathu. Mr Wirathu, a Saffron-robed fake Buddhist monk and preacher, who was jailed in 2003 for his direct involvement in the massacre of Muslim families and destruction of a mosque in the up-country town of Kyauk-hse, the birthplace of the aging and retired despot Senior General Than Shwe. (See this Asia Times article about his neo-Nazi hate-mongering against the Muslims of Burma as early as 2003).
In its national network are Buddhist Sar-thin-tike or teaching Buddhist colleges. In broad day light Buddhist lecturers and teachers from this network, for instance, in Moulmein were seen giving hate-speeches disguised as "Buddhist sermons", with absolutely no interruptions from local authorities.
969 is Myanmar's home-grown neo-Nazi group founded and led by extremist Buddhist monks with the avowed aim of defending Buddhist faith, Myanmar race and Buddhist nation from Burmese Muslims. 9 stands for the nine special attributes of Lord Buddha, 6 for the six special attributes of Buddha's teachings and the last 9 for the nine special attributes of the Buddhist Sangha or Order.
969 appears to work in close collaboration with Burma's security forces, the new Burmese media and the People's Relations and Psychological Warfare Division of the Ko Ministry of Defense.
A categorically anti-Muslim/anti-Islam message tinged with the language of nationalist and national security is consistently and commonly coming from these sources:
1) Myanmar's new media such as the late medical Dr Nay Win Maung's The Voice, another medical Dr Than Tun Aung's Eleven News Group;
2) official media outlets and offices such as the Ministry of Defense-run Myawaddy News and President Office's spokesperson Hmu Zaw or ex-Major Zaw Htay; and
3) 969 of Buddhist skin-heads the likes of Wirathu and his fellow skinhead monks
President Thein Sein's reformist government at best tolerates its categorically anti-Islam hate speeches and activities and at worst backs, if tacitly, the group and its incitement of violence against the country's Muslims.
Any democratic country in the world where hate speech is not protected by' the freedom of speech' would certainly arrest the leaders of 969 for their fear-mongering, hate speeches against a particular religious community.
969 calls for boycott of Muslim businesses, social ostracism of all Muslims and purging of Burmese Muslims from all positions of wealth, influence and power in Burma. It also stokes the historical anti-Muslim and anti-Indian popular sentiment among the predominantly Buddhist population of the country.
One should not be surprised if 969 turns out to be a strategic proxy organization founded by the radical, hard-line elements within the military leadership that plans to discredit Aung San Suu Kyi and other opposition figures in Burma through the 969's messages of anti-civilian politicians and activists. 969 openly frames Aung San Suu Kyi as a stooge of rich and cunning Muslim enemies who are hell-bent on taking over Buddhist Myanmar nation and destroying Buddhism.
969 leaders position themselves as the ones who are most nationalistically mindful and who are best positioned to defend 'Buddhist faith, Bama or Myanmar race and Buddhist nation' against the sole enemy of Muslims'.